Engaging Picture Books on Our Human Bodies

Engaging Picture Books on Our Human Bodies

Teaching little ones to love their bodies at a young age helps them grow into children and adults who WANT to keep their bodies strong, healthy, and safe so they can continue to do all the things they love to do.  Virtues such as acceptance, understanding, cleanliness, orderliness and moderation can be discussed when learning about our bodies.

A Garden in Your Belly: Meet the Microbes in Your Gut

A Garden in Your Belly Meet the Microbes in Your Gut

Written and Illustrated by Masha D’yans

The topic of the human body is explored through learning about the tiny things that grow inside our bellies.

Teachable Moments: #humanbody

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Gut Garden: A Journey Into the Wonderful World of Your Microbiome

A Journey Into the Wonderful World of Your Microbiome

Written and Illustrated by Katie Brosnan

The topic of the human body is explored through learning about the tiny things that grow inside our bellies.

Teachable Moments: #humanbody

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From Chewing to Pooing: Food’s Journey Through Your Body to the Potty

Food’s Journey Through Your Body to the Potty

Written by Lauren Ghringer

Illustrated by Maile McCarthy

The topic of the human body is explored through understanding what happens to our food in our bodies.

Teachable Moments: #humanbody

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Do Not Lick This Book

Do Not Lick This Book

Written by Idan Ben-Barak

Illustrated by Julian Frost

The topic of the human body is explored through looking at the ways in which microbes and bacteria affect our bodies.

Teachable Moments: #humanbody #cleanliness

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I will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato

I will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato

Written and Illustrated by Lauren Child

The topic of the human body is explored when Charlie and Lola discuss healthy eating.

Teachable Moments: #humanbody #healthyeating #moderation

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Gregory,the Terrible Eater

Gregory,the Terrible Eater

Written by Mitchell Sharmat

Illustrated by Jose Aruego and Ariane Dewey

The topic of the human body is explored when Gregory has to consider his unhealthy diet.

Teachable Moments: #humanbody #healthyeating #moderation

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No Kimchi For Me!

No Kimchi For Me!

Written and Illustrated by Aram Kim

The topic of the human body is explored when Yoomi tries to find a way to enjoy kimchi like her brothers.

Teachable Moments: #humanbody #healthyeating #moderation

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Your Fantastic Elastic Brain: Stretch it, Shape it

Your Fantastic Elastic Brain Stretch it, Shape it

Written by Joann Deak

Illustrated by Sarah Ackerley

The topic of the human body is explored through the understanding of how our brains work.

Teachable Moments: #humanbody #brains

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Written and Illustrated by Tedd Arnold

The topic of the human body is explored when a boy finds belly button lint and panics that his body parts are falling off.

Teachable Moment: #humanbody

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Bodies Are Cool

Bodies Are Cool

Written and Illustrated by Tyler Feder

The topic of the human body is explored through celebrating different bodies.

Teachable Moments: #humanbody #love #acceptance

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The Skin You Live in

The Skin You Live in

Written by Michael Tyler

Illustrated by David Lee Csicsko

Bodies Are Cool

Written and Illustrated by Tyler Feder

The topic of the human body is explored through celebrating different bodies.

Teachable Moments: #humanbody #love #acceptance

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