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A child who reads becomes an adult who thinks.

Books have the power to engage kids and give them the ability to reflect, relate and think about the world around them.

Books provoke deep thinking, and inspire imagination and they are often a child’s first introduction to artwork.

With many years of experience as a teacher and a librarian, I have curated wonderfully engaging lists to encourage thought, reflection, and imagination in the elementary school classroom.

Let us introduce our children and students to new books and engage their imaginations.

Ways to Search for Books Lists On Tiger Kids Reading

Engaging Concept Picture Books

Click to Explore Picture Books Related to Concepts Such as Perspective, Systems, Connection, and Community.

Engaging Virtue Picture Books

Click to Explore Picture Books Related to The Virtue Project Such as Love, Creativity, Mindfulness, Joyfulness, and Resilience.

Engaging Makerspace Picture Books

Click to Explore Picture Books Related to Makerspace and Enagaging Children in Steam Based Activities.

Author Spotlight Picture Books

Click To Explore Picture Books Related To Our Author Spotlight.

Engaging Books That Teach Reading Skill

Click To Explore Picture Books Related To Reading Skills Such As Predicting, Cause and Effect and Making Connections.

Engaging Topic Picture Books

Click To Explore Picture Books Related To Topics Such as Immigration, Weather, Homes, and The Environment.