These engaging picture books on community help to show that a community is the understanding that a group shares a common purpose or space to learn together. These books get readers to explore the relationships between people and places and how people make choices based on shared values to maintain a harmonious and caring community. Exploring the concept of community can help a child feel a sense of belonging in the different communities around them.
Du Iz Tak
Written and Illustrated by Carson Ellis
Using an imaginary language, the concept of community is explored through a micro event with bugs. Details and many different storylines are woven through this engaging book.
Teachable Moments: #community #helpfulness #orderliness #amazingillustrations #connections #nature #discovery
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The Circles All Around Us
Written by Brad Montague
Illustrated by Brad and Kristi Montague
The concept of community is explored by examining the different ‘circles’ we belong to and how they grow as relationships develop, expanding your circles while being inclusive and having healthy boundaries.
Teachable Moments: #community #kindness #inclusive #connections #relationships #respect #boundaries
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Under the Same Sky
By Britta Teckentrup
The concept of community is explored through the idea that we are all different but share the same sky. Beautiful illustrations accompany this concept.
Teachable Moments: #community #kindness #connections #respect #emotions #unity #amazingillustrations
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Mixed: A Colorful Story
Written and Illustrated by Arree Chung
The concept of community is explored through the idea of primary colors refusing to mix. When they do mix a beautiful outcome is a result of their unity.
Teachable Moments: #community #unity #courage #primarycolors #tolerance #cooperation
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Thank You, Omu!
Written and Illustrated by Oge Mora
The concept of community is explored through the act of kindness and sharing in a city neighborhood. When one woman shares her delicious stew with her neighborhood the kindness comes back as the community comes together.
Teachable Moments: #community #sharing #caring #kindness #helpfulness #unity #amazingillustrations #nigerianauthor #igboauthor
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It Fell From the Sky
Written and Illustrated by the Fan Brothers
The concept of community is explored when a giant marble falls from the sky and a spider uses the other insects’ wonder to become greedy.
Teachable Moment: #community #unity #wonder #greed #anticapitalist #amazingillustrations
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Written and Illustrated by Diane Alber
The concept of community is explored through the primary colors and their desire to unite and create a beautiful piece of artwork.
Teachable Moments: #community #unity #persevrance #friendship
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The Curious Garden
Written and Illustrated by Peter Brown
The concept of community is explored through the lens of a boy who finds an abandoned garden and tends and cares for the garden which causes his whole community to become greener.
Teachable Moments: #community #sustainability #perseverance #caring #greenliving #earthday
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If You Come to Earth
Written and Illustrated by Sophie Blackall
The concept of community is explored through the idea that we all have a shared experience on earth and we need to take care of the earth and others.
Teachable Moments: #community #sustainability #caring #facts
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The One-Day House
Written by Julia Durango
Illustrated by Bianca Diaz
The concept of community is explored in this book by a neighborhood coming together to help a little boy fix up his grandmother’s house.
Teachable Moment: #community #neighborhood #helpfulness #family #friendship #unity #caring
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The Whispering Town
Written by Jennifer Elvgren
Illustrated by Fabio Santomauro
The concept of community is explored in this book by looking at the dramatic story of a small Danish fishing village working together to shelter a Jewish family during World War 2.
Teachable Moments: #community #cooperation #integrity #unity #worldwartwo #creativity
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Outside, Inside
Written and Illustrated by LeUyen Pham
The concept of community is explored in this book by looking at a community’s response to the Covid-19 infection.
Teachable Moments: #community #cooperation #integrity #covid19
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Written by Amy Krouse Rosenthal
Illustrated by Tom Lichtenheld
The concept of community is explored in this book through the use of punctuation. When exclamation mark can’t find his place in the world, he is helped by a friend to find his purpose in his community.
Teachable Moments: #community #acceptance #belonging #friendship #purpose #punctuation
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The Invisible
Written and Illustrated by Tom Percival
The concept of community is explored in this book by Isabel moving to a new home where she feels invisible. She begins to notice others in her community who also appear to be invisible.
Teachable Moments: #community #homeless #differences #belonging #positivechange
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There is a Tribe of Kids
Written and Illustrated by Lane Smith
The concept of community is explored through a child trying to find a community he feels he belongs.
Teachable Moments: #community #perseverane #belonging #acceptance
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You Belong Here
Illustrated by Isabelle Arsenault
The concept of community is explored by reminding children that they belong to their families and the wider world.
Teachable Moments: #community #love #belonging #acceptance
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